How to Fix error in accessing sent/drafts folders in webmail on cPanel server:

Most of the user’s are using either Squirrel mail or Round cube for accessing emails through webmail. If the back end temporary file for the email account is corrupted you will get an error like,

ERROR: Could not complete request
Query: SELECT{12} INBOX.Drafts
Reason Given: [SERVERBUG]Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2015-03-12 24:05:16]

But there will be no issues with the newly created email accounts. This will stop the functioning of inbox,sent and draft folders of the account in which the temporary folder got corrupted.

You will be able to fix this manually by creating a new temporary file for webmail. For that first you need to check for the tmp folder in the location of your email account. The location of your email account will be,


for example,


Now check whether tmp folder is present in the location or not,

cd /home/username/mail/domainname/email_account/.Sent
ls -al tmp

If it is not found you need to add the folder using the command below,

mkdir tmp

After that you need to set the ownership for the folder using the command,

chown username.username tmp

Now you will be able to access the sent folder of the email account. If you are facing same issues with the other folders then you can apply the same solution for those folder’s too. There you can find the folders Trash,.Drafts,.Junk on the same location.

That’s all.

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