Wondering how to strengthen your server monitoring process? For those who are new to this term, server monitoring means watching over the technological server metrics so that the operations will be glitch-free.  This will help to reduce any bottlenecks that block the smoothness of the service.  If by chance you have ever encountered any issues during the smooth running of the company, then you need to approach the server management company to fix such server-related issues. Whether you have a single server or multiple servers, this means that all have to be monitored and the patches have to fix on time.

Moving on, we will be detailing some of the best methods to monitor your server for better performance. They are bound to help you, so do read and give them a try. If not, you can always consult our server experts for good results.

Server monitoring services

Watch your CPU

The CPU or the central processing unit will be one of the first components that will be affected by a degraded system server performance. This is why we have placed it on the top of your performance checklist. If your CPU fails, then it is almost the end of your system performance. So, keep a watch on this. In the CPU, you need to check how the memory is processing, the speed of processing, and the free memory space that will help the system to work without a lot of data flooding.  Once the memory of the computer is affected, that will affect the corresponding work processes on the server.

Watch the Server condition

Not only do you check the technical side of your system server, but you also need to check the physical status of the server. When you work on an onsite system server, they are bound to work for the whole day and that could create a stop suddenly. Apart from the heating, the power, the sound of the internal processing parts, and the heat balance should be looked into.

Watch the System Uptime

As part of the effective server monitoring process, you need to watch over the server uptime too. The uptime indicates the number of hours your website has been up, live and operational. It is good to be the track of when your system works and the quality of work time and even when a sudden reboot may have happened.  While monitoring also checks whether all your scheduled tasks and data transfer processes are being carried out on time. This monitoring system will show the downtimes and other failures too so that you can improve the system performance in the long term.  Based on the monitor reports, the next remedial actions can be taken.

Assess the Page File Usage

The next aspect that we need to consider is the page file usage, if the user is in excess proportion, that could definitely, affect the way the server and your connected systems work later on.  This happens when you have a lot of unused data that is locked or saved within your page file. For this, your operations will exceed the allotted memory space within the operating system. This data will eventually be stored in the page file. So, check your page file usage once a week, and you can free it up to save the space within the page file.

Monitor Clock Synchronization

Time is crucial in life and this is the same for servers. With the help of companies that provide server management services, you can ensure that your clock timings are synchronized with the network that your business is working upon. If by any chance your timings change, that will affect the working of the connected programs. So, this builds conflicts within the data usage and transfers to various networks. If you need to ensure that the system server clock is always on time, then keep a reference clock to check in between. This will prevent data to be overwritten, corrupt, or erased by accident.