Install MongoDB cPanel server:

cpanel mongo db


MongoDB is document-oriented database software. and it is classified as a NoSQL database program, MongoDB uses JSON like documents with optional schemas. You can install MongoDB on your cPanel server by following the steps below,

Step 1.

MongoDB can be installed from its own Repo. For creating the repo,

vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo

in this file paste the below code,

[mongodb]name=MongoDB Repo

Step 2.

Now you can install MongoDB using Yum utility.

yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server

Step 3.

Also you need to install the dependencies if any.

Step 4.

After installation make sure you add the MongoDB service to your config, so it will be automatically started when you reboot your server,

chkconfig mongod on

Step 5.

Start the MongoDB service,

service mongod start

Step 6.

Now you need to install the MongoDB PHP Extension using pecl via For that use the command,

pecl install mongo

Now everything will be fine.

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