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Block an email address using cPanel.

To block emails from a specific email address, you must add an email filter in your cPanel. The process only takes a minute, yet it will save you a lot of time and trouble when dealing with your email inbox. Please follow the steps to block the email address using cpanel:

First enable SpamAssasin from cPanel.

Then Set filters from the ” Account level Filtering” option on cPanel.

cPanel>> Mail>> User Level Filtering

You can add the filter for a specific email address from “cPanel>> Mail>> User Level Filtering” option to DISCARD the incoming emails from that malicious email address you want to block. Here are the steps to set a filter.

Add the following rules in the filter,


Select “From” from drop down menu, then you’ll need to select

Contains > from the drop down menu.


Enter the email address you want to block

and click on Activate button.

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